ZEISS User Meeting

September 3 | Bern

In collaboration with the Microscopy Imaging Center of the University of Bern, we are happy to announce the ZEISS User Meeting 2024 for the Life Science Community.

Join us on September 3 and get the latest news from ZEISS on Fast Optical Sectioning, Multiplex Imaging, X-Ray Microscopy, and much more.

Look forward to the Swiss Premiere of the newest ZEISS Microscope: Lattice SIM 3.
We are ending the day with Bowling & Apéro and a casual Networking Dinner.


Be part of the ZEISS User Meeting in Bern!

What to expect

  • Live-Presentation:
    New Lattice SIM 3

    We show you how to:
    • Capture entire model organisms and tissue sections
    • Acquire super-resolution images as fast and gentle as widefield images
    • Go from a large-field overview to the super-resolution details
  • Inspiring Talks

    • Meet the ZEISS Specialists
    • Get exclusive insights in the newest technical advances
    • Look forward to: SMLM, Structured Illumination, AI for Image Analysis, X-Ray, Multiplex Imaging and more!


  • Networking in the Community

    • Use the opportunity for networking & exchange in the Swiss Life Science Community
    • Join us on a Fun Apero and enjoy a casual Networking Dinner!


Official Program | September 3


Welcome Reception: Coffee & Networking


Official Opening

Dietmar Huber (Head of ZEISS Microscopy Switzerland)
Stefan Wahl (Regional Sales Manager ZEISS Microscopy Switzerland)


What's new in ZEISS?

Bernhard Zimmermann (Head of Product Management Life Sciences)


Bigger faster and with AI - newest image acquisition is requesting a fundamental change in image processing workflows

Patrick Schwarb (Project Lead Software Development ZEISS Microscopy)


Microfluidics on Scope – Enabling modern applications like Spatialomics or SMLM

Philipp Seidel (Software Development, ZEISS Microscopy)


Three-dimensional X-ray imaging of medically relevant objects

Prof. Dr. Bert Müller
(University of Basel, Thomas Straumann Chair for Materials Science in Medicine)




Introducing the new Lattice SIM Family

Debora Olivier (Product Management Light Microscopy)


SIM and SMLM - from concepts to practice

Debora Olivier (Product Management Light Microscopy)


Experience live:

  • ZEISS Lattice SIM 3
  • Fluigent Demo on ZEISS Axio Observer 7
  • Software & Image Analysis
  • SEM: GeminiSEM450 with STEM detector 

you will be assigned to a slot


Bowling & Apéro

transport to the venue will be organized by ZEISS


Networking Dinner

transport to the venue will be organized by ZEISS

Reserve Your Place Now

ZEISS User Meeting, September 3

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Event Location

University of Bern

Institute of Cell Biology Baltzerstrasse 4 3012 Bern