ZEISS eXtended Data

Expanding your possibilities.

The ZEISS eXtended Data (XD) technology adds new opportunities to simplify and increase the accuracy of the image capture and processing workflow – especially for VFX work. XD is a unique technology that is based on the Cooke /i* technology and additionally provides information about the lens’ distortion and shading characteristics in real time.

Based on the Cooke /i* Technology

ZEISS eXtended Data reduces workflow costs and facilitates the exchange of lens information between the production and post-production departments. It unifies two data sets:

Key lens data

ZEISS eXtended Data technology is based on the Cooke /i* technology and is supported by a wide range of cameras and accessories. Key lens data provides frame-accurate information about:

  • Lens name, type and focal length
  • Calibrated focusing distance
  • Calibrated T-stop value
  • Depth-of-field data in real time and hyperfocal distance
  • Horizontal field-of-view
  • Entrance pupil position
ZEISS specific lens data

ZEISS eXtended Data saves time and money in VFX, virtual production and green-screen productions by providing frame-accurate information about:

  • Lens distortion characteristics based on the focal point
  • Lens shading** characteristics based on the focal point and effective T-stop

On set.

ZEISS eXtended Data enables members of the crew to monitor lens settings in real-time, pre-visualize modified images and to use new, automated search functions within data wrangling.


No need for data from shooting grids and grey cards anymore. Work with distortion and shading data provided straight from the lens: more efficient and precise – especially in compositing.

Plugins for Compositing Software.

Additional plug-ins provided by ZEISS allow for an easy implementation of ZEISS eXtended Data in a number of leading software tools.


ZEISS eXtended Data’s easy workflow enables you to provide the lens characteristics from the film set straight to post-production:

Hernán (Behind the Scenes)

Hernán tells the story of Spanish "Conquistador" Hernán Cortés and his conquest of Mexico. Follow us behind the scenes of this ambitious TV Azteca | Prime Video series shot with ZEISS Supreme Prime and Cinema Zoom lenses and learn from DP Beto Casillas, AMC and technical director Gabriel Kerlegand how they approached the production, look and VFX workflow – also with the help of ZEISS eXtended Data.

Case 10-86 (Behind the Scenes)

Visual effects specialist, producer and director Scott E. Anderson had a chance to test the ZEISS Compact Primes CP.3 XD lenses for the first time. This reel will walk you through the different steps in creating a visual effects piece on a budget using ZEISS eXtended Data. The ZEISS eXtended Data is a unique technology which is based on the /i Technology and provides information about the lens’ distortion and shading characteristics in real time. With the ZEISS CP.3 XD lenses, even small productions on a limited budget gain access to the advanced techniques common in state-of-the-art, big budget films, commercials and television shows.


These easy to understand video tutorials will guide you through the different benefits and options that ZEISS eXtended Data will offer for your production.

Injection Tool

This software allows to inject eXtended Data into EXR file sequences for use with ZEISS Nuke Plugin. It extracts the data from the RAW video files (RED, SONY) or reads them from ZLCF files.

Compositing Software Plugins

After recording eXtended Data on set together with the video files, they can be applied in post-production for compositing for example by using the ZEISS developed lens plugin:

Lens Data Viewer

ZEISS Data Viewer allows you to communicate with a CP.3 XD, Supreme Prime, Supreme Prime Radiance or Supreme Zoom Radiance Lens using a computer and read out lens parameters.

* /i is a registered trademark of Cooke Optics Limited used with permission. ** Shading in this case refers to the darkened corners of the captured image on sensor, due to illumination loss towards the outside of the image field. ZEISS lenses with XD technology contain the data for this characteristic, enabling higher precision of post processing and greater creative freedom in post-production. The shading effect can also be intensified for creative purposes. Shading does not refer to color shading, which is a phenomenon that sometimes accompanies color shifting, resulting in darker corners with magenta, green and purple color casts. Shading does not refer to vignetting, which is caused when the lens’ image circle is smaller than the image sensor, or by the inaccurately sized matte boxes and/or multiple filter stages in front of the lens, which blocks the optical path of the light into the lens.